An Orthodox Gamers Guild Campaign

Session 01: The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces

Zarantyr 22, 998 YK

Thuranne d'Velderan greets our heroes at the Investigative Services office location in Middle Menthis in Sharn. She gives  Ziago (a Human Rogue), Elros (a Half-Elf Sorcerer), Dalavash (a Kalashtar Cleric), and Alorin (a Half-Elf Fighter), Pankratz (a Human Rogue), now joined by Sal (a human fighter), their first official Finder’s Guild assignment.

Sage Matreous has commissioned help in investigating the mysteries left by Fistandia at the Morgrave University Library.

Arriving at the library, they find Sage Matreous in a side room. He shows the heroes a book called The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces, a treatise on extradimensional spaces given by mage Fistandia. Notes in the margins detail how she created permanent Mordenkainen’s magnificent mansion and records command word (“scepter”) to open it. However, it is a two-sided portal, and Matreous can open it from this side; there will be another keyword to open it from the other side, which he does not yet have.  He asks the party to investigate the mysteries beyond the portal and promises to open the portal from his side each 30 minutes until the heroes report back.

Matreous summons the portal, and the heroes quickly enter it before the gateway closes. Immediately, Sal finds a small tiki-idol-looking figurine, which he pockets, despite Matreous’s entreaties to toss it to him for study. The portal closes, and the heroes investigate.

As the heroes explore the three-level mansion, suspended in some extradimensional space, they occasionally find mysterious books resembling The Joy of Extradimensional Spaces; each has a large letter on the spine. The heroes have collected books with the letters R, I, and B on the spines.

Dalavash encounters a cat whom he befriends. Pankratz discovers a secret room which the party investigates.

The exploration of the building is not without incident, however. A swarm of Animated books, an Animated broom, and even a Slaad Tadpole attack the heroes. Perhaps worst was when Elros encountered a mimic posing as a kitchen area chair (he nearly died but stabilized and is now somewhat healed).

The heroes continue to explore, hunting for the clues to the disappearance of Fistandia.

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